FataFat Stock Screener

Free Intraday Screener : The FataFat Stock Screener ©

What is a Stock Screener? Stock Screener is a Stock Market data analysis tool that helps a day trader or an investor in Stocks to filter through a list of stocks and arrive at the results important for them. Stock Traders and Investors use a Stock screener to quickly generate a list of stocks that Read more about Free Intraday Screener : The FataFat Stock Screener ©[…]

FataFat Stock Screener

10 Reasons Why traders Love The New FataFat Premium

The Dashboard Feature on the FataFat Premium Screener. The DASHBOARD on The Premium Version helps you to have a birds-eye view on todays data points for day trading. The DASHBOARD summarizes all the market information required for Intraday market analysis all at one place. Helps you focus with maximum efficiency during the day for your Read more about 10 Reasons Why traders Love The New FataFat Premium[…]


FataFat Stock Screener – FAQ

If you’re new to the FataFat Stock Screener, spend just 15 minutes watching it during market hours. You’ll likely find many of your questions answered automatically. Understanding the Basics: This tool is designed to be simple and intuitive, making intraday and positional trading in the Indian Stock Market stress-free. Sorting and Filtering: Learning how to Read more about FataFat Stock Screener – FAQ[…]

Open HIGH LOW Scanner On FataFat Stock Screener.

Open high low scanner is now available on The FataFat Intraday Stock Screener. Open High Low Trading Strategy is a popular Trading Strategy used by stock traders. The Strategy is to Trade Short on the stocks that screen for OPEN = HIGH and to Trade Long on stocks that screen for OPEN = LOW. FataFat Read more about Open HIGH LOW Scanner On FataFat Stock Screener.[…]

FataFat Stock Screener

FataFat Stock Screener : Intraday HOD / LOD Breakouts

The FataFat Stock Screener is a productive tool for Intraday Traders. The FataFat Supports screening for: 1) HIGH of Day and LOW of Day Breakouts PLUS 2) Potential Breakout stocks near the HIGH and LOW of day. (This is a unique intraday Screening feature just to FataFat) This Screening feature helps you identify stocks near Read more about FataFat Stock Screener : Intraday HOD / LOD Breakouts[…]

FataFat Stock Screener

Framing Intraday Strategies using The Free FataFat Stock Screener

What is FataFat Stock Screener ? The Free FataFat stock screener is a productive tool for daytrading in India. It is free and helps you screen stocks for framing Intraday Strategies on the most liquid FnO stocks. Before you start using this spreadsheet screener tool. It is very essential you familiarize with the spreadsheet sorting and filtering Read more about Framing Intraday Strategies using The Free FataFat Stock Screener[…]

FataFat Stock Screener Swing Trades

FataFat Stock Screener : For Swing and Positional Traders

Finding Swing and Positional Trades using DAILY SCAN engine on The Free FataFat Stock Screener. Methods to use during Market Hours for finding Multi Day Swing and Positional LONG Opportunity using The Free FataFat Stock Screener: Please look for Column Titles instead of the Column Order mentioned below. Using the FREE FATAFAT STOCK SCREENER, On Read more about FataFat Stock Screener : For Swing and Positional Traders[…]

FataFat Stock Screener Finding Tops and Bottoms

FataFat Stock Screener : New Feature. Finding Top and Bottom

A new Screening Feature has been added to The FataFat Stock Screener.   A screening feature that will help you screen for Tops and Bottoms. This will identify stocks where a trend reversal is likely to happen.   Useful to screen for stocks moving out or in to consolidation phase. You can use this screening feature Read more about FataFat Stock Screener : New Feature. Finding Top and Bottom[…]

stock float screening

FataFat Stock Screener, Low Float Stock Screener.

Stock Float refers to the total number of available shares to trade in the Open Market. FataFat stock screener, has stock float Screening feature for the F&O stocks. You can sort from high to low or low to high, or even filter stocks within your specific range. Day traders, prefer to do intraday trades in low Read more about FataFat Stock Screener, Low Float Stock Screener.[…]