Was Jesse Livermore just lucky or was he the finest craftsman of his trade?

In the annals of financial history, few names command as much intrigue as Jesse Livermore. With his enigmatic personality and storied career, Livermore continues to captivate the imagination of traders and investors. Was he merely a product of fortuitous timing and chance, or was he truly the finest craftsman of his trade? Delving into the Read more about Was Jesse Livermore just lucky or was he the finest craftsman of his trade?[…]

What sectors will the financial budgets of the future be focused on?

These are certain sectors that are likely to continue to be a focus in the future due to their importance to the economy and society. Infrastructure: This sector includes transportation, water, and energy infrastructure, and it is likely to be a focus in the future as governments look to improve and upgrade these systems to Read more about What sectors will the financial budgets of the future be focused on?[…]

What does that jobbing p&l section mean on your trading p&l report?

If you are holding a trading account with one of those stock brokers who are still using that outdated back office reporting platform, you will notice an unfamiliar jobbing p&l section on the yearly p&l reports. The jobbing p&l section on your p&l reports shows details of all those intraday trades you have done in Read more about What does that jobbing p&l section mean on your trading p&l report?[…]

Before dealing with Liquidbees in small quantities.

Some things to know before dealing with Liquidbees in small / retail quantities. Liquidbees dividends get credited as additional liquidbees units to your demat account and not as cash credits to your bank account like with equity dividends.  When buying Liquidbees using small funds as a retail investor, you start receiving fractional units of Liquidbees Read more about Before dealing with Liquidbees in small quantities.[…]


How to stop Unsolicited STOCK Advisory SPAM SMS ?

Stock Market Traders and Investors in India are spammed every day with unsolicited STOCK Advisory SPAM SMS. This is an problem on a large scale that every investor in India has to deal with everyday. The concerned authorities are either turning a blind eye or do not know how to deal this situation. Who sends these unsolicited STOCK Read more about How to stop Unsolicited STOCK Advisory SPAM SMS ?[…]

Simple GYAN

Changing phase of The Indian Brokerage Industry.

In the recent years, we have seen new brokerage firms popping up like mushrooms in a rain forest. The brokerage industry as we know it is about to change. With 80 percent  of the new discount brokerage firms having no unique selling point. They are competing each other on offering cheap brokerage fees. All brokerage firms Read more about Changing phase of The Indian Brokerage Industry.[…]