What is a Stock Screener?
Stock Screener is a Stock Market data analysis tool that helps a day trader or an investor in Stocks to filter through a list of stocks and arrive at the results important for them.
Stock Traders and Investors use a Stock screener to quickly generate a list of stocks that are trending for the day, the week or the month.
The FataFat NSE Stock Screener makes lives easier for the Stock Market Participants in India. Helping them to quickly filter through the NSE Stock Exchange’s F&O Equity Stock Category and quickly arrive at results they are searching for.
The Free FataFat NSE Stock Screener scans the F&O Stocks for :
- Today’s OPEN = Today’s HIGH
- Today’s OPEN = Today’s LOW
- Opening GAP UP / GAP DOWN
- Intraday NEW HIGH’s / NEW LOW’s
- Near Intraday High and Lows
- NR7 & NR4 candle Screener
- ABOVE / BELOW Opening Range Screener at 10:15am
- ABOVE / BELOW Closing Range Screener after 2:45 pm
- 5 to 13 SMA daily Trend
- Percent CHANGE in Price
- CMP Greater than Yesterday’s HIGH / LOW
- Today’s volume compared to 3 day’s average VOLUME as a percentage
- Direct One Click Access to Google Finance charts.
- ABOVE / BELOW Central Pivot Range.
- ABOVE / BELOW daily PIVOT Screener
- ABOVE / BELOW daily S1 S2 R1 R2 Screener
- Near PIVOT breakout Zone Screener
- 2 and 3-day consecutive INCREASE / DECREASE in closing price
- 2 and 3-day consecutive INCREASE in trading volume
- Industry Sector wise Screener
- Nifty 50 Index Screener
- Bank Nifty Index Screener
- SP500, FTSE100, DAX index updates
- 2 and 3-day consecutive GAP UPs and GAP DOWNs
- NIFTY and BANK NIFTY weightage Screener
- Pre Opening volume strength
- Daily Inside and Doji Candles
- Intraday Stock Rating Filter
- 200 SMA Daily Candle Screener
- and much more…
Video tutorial on How to use The FataFat Stock Screener:
This Free FataFat NSE Stock Screener is a productive day trading and Investing tool. Helps you frame your Intraday strategy on F&O Equity Stocks listed on the NSE, India.
The FataFat Stock Screener is free to use and has a simple design. This is an all you need stock screener for day trading in The Indian Stock Market.
This Screener works on the google apps framework an is updated every minute. Use this productively for your day trading in India.
For more information please read through The Frequently Asked Questions about FataFat Stock Screener.