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FataFat Stock Screener – FAQ


If you’re new to the FataFat Stock Screener, spend just 15 minutes watching it during market hours. You’ll likely find many of your questions answered automatically.

Understanding the Basics:

This tool is designed to be simple and intuitive, making intraday and positional trading in the Indian Stock Market stress-free.

Sorting and Filtering:

Learning how to sort and filter information is key to using this tool effectively. Right-click on any column header to sort it in ascending or descending order. Once sorted, you can then use the filter menu to further refine your search. Watch this short video to see how it’s done: Video Link.


Take a quick look at the FAQs below. Spending a few minutes here could save you hours of trial and error or waiting for a reply to a question that’s already been answered.

That’s it! By mastering sorting and filtering, you’ll be well on your way to using the FataFat Stock Screener like a pro.

FataFat Stock Screener – FAQs

Yes. The LITE version of The FataFat Stock Screener is a free Intraday Stock Screener for the F&O cash segment stocks.
To use the free version of the FataFat Screener, simply visit and click on the "Open Free FataFat Stock Screener" button located on the homepage.
You can access the Free FataFat Screener web app directly from the homepage of The FataFat Intraday Stock Screener website.

The FataFat Stock Screener is a web based view-only app and is not downloadable or customizable.

It can only be viewed while you are online using your laptop’s or desktop’s internet browser.
The FataFat Stock Screener is self-powered by the Google Apps framework and starts screening automatically every day.

On the free version, intraday screening features become available after 9:25 AM, while the premium version starts working at 9:16 AM. End-of-day candle patterns for the day are populated at 10 p.m. on weekdays.
No manual refreshing is required. The screener updates automatically every minute when accessed from a laptop or computer.
Yes, there is a 10-15 minute delay on the free version.
The premium version operates faster than the free one but is not real-time.
On the free version, intraday screening features become available after 9:25 AM, while the premium version starts working at 9:16 AM.

The premium version offers more screening features and faster scanning speed.

The Premium Version of the Screener supports additional F&O underlying stocks. Check this list here.
The FataFat Stock Screener can be viewed on mobile or tablet browsers but with limited functionality.
The SORT and FILTER menus, as well as self-updating features, are not available on mobile, tablet, or Android browsers.
It's designed primarily for laptop or desktop use.
No, there isn't. The screener is optimized for traders with access to a laptop or desktop.
Hover your mouse pointer on ROW 1 of each column to view the screening conditions.
Additionally, a summary of all available screening features is provided here.
It's ideal for experienced traders with an understanding of industry-standard data points.

The FataFat Stock Screener caters to traders who rely on key data points for stock selection, especially in today’s market scenario.
The design is simple and logical, suitable for both beginners and experienced traders. You can watch tutorial videos in Hindi and English for more guidance.

Tutorial videos in Hindi,

Tutorial videos in English,
The tool is for traders with existing strategies who need a screening tool. Visit for popular strategies that can be applied with FataFat Screener.
The Intraday Scan focuses on Today’s Intraday Open High Low Close and Volume, while the Daily Scan relates to candlestick patterns and breakouts on daily candles.
This is not a trade signal generator but helps you screens stocks based on your specified conditions.
Users of this stock screening tool are encouraged to exercise due diligence and verify all results independently, as occasional discrepancies or inaccuracies may occur.
The MTrend Indicator is a premium feature. Learn more here.
Yes, a Gmail address is required for accessing the premium version.

Please make sure you provide only a “gmail email address” on the subscription payment page.

If you accidentally entered a non-Gmail or incorrect email address during subscription, kindly send your correct Gmail email address to via email.
After subscribing, you'll receive an activation email containing your premium screener access link.

Your activation email, which includes the premium screener access link, will be automatically dispatched to your email address within the next 1 to 12 hours after subscription.

Typically, the activation email may land in your email's spam folder rather than your inbox, so make sure to check your spam folder regularly.

Please refrain from sending any additional emails or reminders about not receiving the activation email for your subscription until at least 12 hours have passed. Kindly allow 1-12 hours for the activation email to be processed.

If you subscribe late in the evening, please note that your activation email will be sent out to you the following morning at 9 am.
The premium version looks similar to the free version but offers faster scanning and additional screening features.

Refer to the subscription page to learn more about the extra features supported in the premium version.
Feel free to utilize the free version for as long as you'd like to familiarize yourself and determine if you require the premium features before subscribing.
The premium version offers faster scanning speed and additional features, including access to the past year's records of important FII's, DII's, and MF's bulk deals, which alone are valued significantly higher than the subscription fee.
To maintain fairness for regular repeat subscribers and streamline operations, the premium version operates under a strict NO REFUND POLICY.
The free version offers significant value and is sufficient for most needs, allowing you to prepare your next day's intraday/positional watch list.

The premium version is for those who require additional features and active intraday screening.

Before upgrading to premium, please ensure you've utilized the free version for a few months and are familiar with its functionalities and how to effectively utilize the screener.
Support is available exclusively through email. There is no telephone support. You can reach out for email support by sending a message to

Hope you realize the immense value you’re receiving as a free user. You’re getting access to 80% of the site’s research and resources to help you on your journey to reaching your trading goals.

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